Monday, August 4, 2014

Garden update: chaos and destruction

Well there's not much left of the garden.

The twins flattened the corn with their tractors.

The garlic and onions got lost in the weeds but we did get a nice little harvest of onions, I haven't tried to lift any garlic yet.

The goats ate all the leaves off of the tomatoes 

And the twins picked all the baby green tomatoes to play with.

The chickens pecked open and ate all of the watermelons before they got much bigger than a football.

There are green strawberries but I have yet to see any last long enough to ripen the first hint of pink and someone gets them.

The cukes however are still churning out delicious "mumbers" 
as little O. calls them.

And the herb garden is thriving beautifully.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Orchard Update: New fences, fewer goats and a Peach!

So we fenced in out little orchard to prevent any further damage, I'm afraid one of my baby apple trees didn't make it but the rest seem to be ok.

In fact, I harvested my peach.

 Only one single peach was this years entire harvest but it was the best peach I have ever tasted in my entire life, no joke. It came from our Georgia Belle of the South variety tree, we also have an Elberta but she didn't bear this year. I can't wait to get baskets full of juicy peaches!