Monday, April 21, 2014

Re-cycling dyed Easter eggs...Fun Craft Ideas

Now that the egg hunts are over what can I do with these colorful battered eggs?

This year we got store bought white eggs to dye for Easter. That's right, store bought eggs, six dozen! And a NEON dye kit which produced the most vibrant eggs ever. I enjoyed admiring my kids amazing egg dying artistry.
Now, you may be thinking :
"How unsustainable and very un-homesteady* of you! Dying store bought eggs with artificial dye instead of home-made herbal dyes on your free range fresh eggs"  
Oh well, sometimes simplicity wins out.  But now all the Easter Egg Hunts are over and these battered eggs need to go. I usually crush up shells for the garden, (they're great around tomatoes to prevent blossom end rot) but wasn't sure about the dyes, they're supposed to be non-toxic and food grade but I didn't want to try it, so I did a little research and found some fun ideas to try with the kids.

Here's a fun mosaic craft using colored eggshell bits Mosaic Egg Craft that I found at Egg farmers of Alberta

Pendants and earrings made from eggshells The Egg Shell Pendant - Craft Tutorial video.

Here's a vase tutorial at Crafts by Amanda Egg Shell Mosaic Vase

How about a decoupaged jewelry or trinket box? Decoupage with Egg Shells

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